Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Funny things D says--Part 1!

Now that D is getting more vocal, we get to start with his own series of Funny Things D Says. Today we have two tidbits--one from Sunday, and one from today.

Scene: We have our neighbors over for dinner, which includes J, K, and their baby G (he's about 4 months old). G is working hard moving food through his little body, and has been letting out some gas. D has not been without fault in this matter during the night either. After one particular incident (in which I'm fairly sure it was D who passed the gas), I turned to D.
Me: "D, did you toot?"
D: "No, baby toot!"
Guess he's learning early to blame the younger child for everything. Poor third, currently non-existent (at least on this planet) child...

We have play group over at our house, so there are six kids ages 4 and under.
D (to me): "Uh nap?"
Me: "What?"
D: "Uhhhhhh nnnnnaaaaappppp."
He's apparently learned that if someone doesn't understand the first time, just say it again slower. Reminds me of BJ Hunnicutt's line in M*A*S*H (and I'm doing this from memory): "Oh you Americans. You think everybody understands English provided you just speak it slow enough."

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