Thursday, September 6, 2007


B2 had hit two milestones this week on Sunday: first, he learned to blow bubbles (thanks to his Great Aunt Leslie, who gave him some at the family Cousin Party this week), and second, he had his first accident that resulted in blood (he fell and bit his lip - nothing serious).

Also, despite his absolute refusal to wear shoes a few months ago, B2 now LOVES his shoes! Offering to put on his shoes is a better bribe than chocolate or juice! As soon as B2 realizes that he gets to put on his shoes, he will come right over to me, turn around, back up slowly, and carefully sit down in my lap. He will then hold perfectly still while I strap on his shoes (I think the Vans are his favorite). He then gets up and begins to strut. B2 has learned that putting on shoes means going outside, and he loves walking outside! It sure makes my load lighter, though slower, since I don't have to carry him.

In other news, B1 finished the last of his multi-engine hours on Friday, August 31st. He now has the minimum requirements to apply at ExpressJet, and is studying hard. I told him that all I wanted for my birthday was for his application to be in, so he is hurrying to meet that deadline. :) I am very excited about B1 finally being able to do what he wants to do, though it will mean that some very difficult times are ahead for us. For example, if B1 gets a job with ExpressJet, he will be sent to his ground school class in Houston, so he will be in Houston for 6 straight weeks. He may be able to come home one weekend, but mostly will need that time to study it is really disastrous for a pilot to fail out of a ground school class.

Also, I am an aunt again! C1, B1's sister, is adopting another child this week. Her name will be L, and they are picking her up from the hospital today!

I think that's all! I'll try to post again soon.

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