Two funny B2 comments:
A few weeks ago, we were doing B2's favorite pastime - calling random family members so B2 could fill them in on all the happenings in his life, some of which can actually be understood. This particular night, we had called several different people but only got answering machines. Finally, B2 asks if he can call his Aunt Rinz. I dialed the phone, turned on the speaker, locked the keyboard, and handed him the phone (I was driving at the time). Just before it started ringing, I heard B2 whisper, "This is gonna be great!" I was reminded of little Ralphie--"'What I want for Christmas. What I want for Christmas is a Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time.' Wow, that's great." I giggled about that for several days.
This morning we were in church. We had just started singing the sacrament hymn when B2 declared he had to go potty...of course. B1 was ushering, so I grabbed D in his car seat and took B2 to the potty. Since we didn't get done before the hymn was over, we stayed in the foyer to take the sacrament. We were sitting on the floor, B2 in my lap, when I planted a big kiss on his cheek. He turned away and said, "No mommy. I don't need kisses. I have plenty of kisses from bedtime." I chuckled, and gave him more kisses just so he wouldn't run out. I figure I only have a few more years before he becomes so horrified at the thought of his mom kissing him in public, so I'd better make the most of it.
This kid just cracks me up. Sometimes he repeats our phrases but at random times, and other times I have no idea where he comes up with what comes out of his mouth, but it often gets me laughing pretty hard.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Cabin Fever
Okay, I'm going to admit something embarrassing here, because...well, because I don't have any other great ideas for a blog post right now but I am feeling the urge to blog. I really, really want to be a stay-at-home mom (no, that's not the embarrassing part), but I am a bit scared too. Why, you ask? No, not the we're-quickly-running-out-of-money possibility, or the I'm-up-to-my-elbows-in-poop...again inevitablity, or even the I've-been-speaking-in-baby-language-so-long-I-don't-even-remember-words-that-actually-show-up-in-the-dictionary scenario. Nope, I'm mostly scared of the what-the-....-are-we-going-to-do-today and the I-must-be-a-bad-mom-if-I-let-my-three-year-old-watch-17-hours-of-TV-daily scenarios.
Right now, my weekends home with my kids are so packed because they are spent doing all the crap I don't have the energy to do mid-week, like go grocery shopping or cleaning the house. By the time I pick the kids up from the babysitters mid-week, I have just enough time to go home, make and eat dinner, and get the kids ready for bed, and then they're down for the night. There's no limit (exaggeration, I know) to the things that I can do to occupy myself, but how the heck do you occupy a three-year-old for hours and hours? I swear, they need an internship for something like this, where you can go to another mom's house (one with young kids at home) and watch all the creative and fun activities she does every day with her toddler. Or, maybe there's a book out there that's got good ideas, but not one of those thousands of books that says things like, "Play jacks" or "Push a big metal hoop with a stick and run after it."
I need to start compiling my own book of fun activities for young children living in, Utah...where you can't go outside for months on end without fear of losing trivials like toes. So, here are a few ideas I have, and I would LOVE any comments from others out there. This blog post will come in handy whenever I am able to finally be a stay-at-home mom.
* Finger paint - make as big a mess as possible
* Hide and seek in the house (or outside, if weather permits)
* Invite a neighbor kid over to play
* Make cookies, bread, or something else whimsical that the kiddos can mostly do (or decorate) themselves
* Color
* Go for a bike ride
* Walk the dog (because we WILL have a dog someday, dang it, and he'll love to go on walks to 7-11 just like my Scooter did before he got old and we all moved away)
* Write a letter to Grandma and Grandpa
That's pretty much all my ideas. So, I'm guessing you can see now why I'm so freaked out about being responsible for providing hours upon hours of entertainment. For those who have young kids, had young kids at one point, who hope to have young kids, or who just have great ideas, what else can I do with my kids to keep them entertained???
Right now, my weekends home with my kids are so packed because they are spent doing all the crap I don't have the energy to do mid-week, like go grocery shopping or cleaning the house. By the time I pick the kids up from the babysitters mid-week, I have just enough time to go home, make and eat dinner, and get the kids ready for bed, and then they're down for the night. There's no limit (exaggeration, I know) to the things that I can do to occupy myself, but how the heck do you occupy a three-year-old for hours and hours? I swear, they need an internship for something like this, where you can go to another mom's house (one with young kids at home) and watch all the creative and fun activities she does every day with her toddler. Or, maybe there's a book out there that's got good ideas, but not one of those thousands of books that says things like, "Play jacks" or "Push a big metal hoop with a stick and run after it."
I need to start compiling my own book of fun activities for young children living in, Utah...where you can't go outside for months on end without fear of losing trivials like toes. So, here are a few ideas I have, and I would LOVE any comments from others out there. This blog post will come in handy whenever I am able to finally be a stay-at-home mom.
* Finger paint - make as big a mess as possible
* Hide and seek in the house (or outside, if weather permits)
* Invite a neighbor kid over to play
* Make cookies, bread, or something else whimsical that the kiddos can mostly do (or decorate) themselves
* Color
* Go for a bike ride
* Walk the dog (because we WILL have a dog someday, dang it, and he'll love to go on walks to 7-11 just like my Scooter did before he got old and we all moved away)
* Write a letter to Grandma and Grandpa
That's pretty much all my ideas. So, I'm guessing you can see now why I'm so freaked out about being responsible for providing hours upon hours of entertainment. For those who have young kids, had young kids at one point, who hope to have young kids, or who just have great ideas, what else can I do with my kids to keep them entertained???
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Some random stories
Although it hasn't been that long since my last post, it seems like forever because so much as happened that I wanted to blog about. So, let's go chronologically.
A few weeks ago, B1 and I went to Chilis for dinner with the boys. My boss gave us a gift card there for Christmas, so we figured it was a good time to use it. Well, it wasn't really, since we went on a Friday night at 6:15 and the placed was PACKED and it was freaking cold. I won't go into why it took us nearly an hour to be seated when they quoted me 10-15 minutes, but that's mainly because I have no idea why that happened. Anyway, we had an amazing server who was friendly, fast, and most likely gay. B1 had him running with how fast he was downing his lemonades, so finally the server brought B1 two glasses with the comment, "You're a heavy drinker." Oh, if only he knew... I started laughing and have been giving him crap ever since. That was pretty much the highlight of the evening, since my once-delicious food turned into stomach cramps and--um, use your imagination--when I discovered a huge nasty hair only millimeters from where I stopped eating. My stomach is churning just thinking about it. We'll probably go back to Chilis again, because our waiter was awesome and because we have another gift card, but I'm definitely not ordering that dish next time. And we're not going on a Friday night again.
Last Sunday, February 7th, was even grosser than my experience at Chilis, but also funnier. In the morning as we were getting ready for church, I was playing with D. One of his favorite games is when we lift him into the air like we are going to toss him, but without letting go, and then bringing him back down. He always get a huge grin on his face. We may have another aviator on our hands... Anyway, so I was playing with D by lifting him into the air, but I was sitting on the bed so D was directly above my head. I was giving D a big grin when suddenly...*BARF*.... D spits up and it lands directly in my mouth!!! Luckily, we had a burp cloth close and I quickly wiped out my mouth, but B1 started gagging a bit (he, of course, saw the whole thing). I guess I was lucky that B2never barfed in my mouth as a baby. In fact, most of the gross stuff seems to happen to other people (like Beez getting B2's diarrhea all over her pants and newly-replaced carpet). There goes my streak.
That same day, B2 gave his first talk in Primary! I was so proud of him. I managed not to be a total dork and cry at how my little baby is growing up, but I did boast about what a great job he did and how he talked loudly (but not too loudly) in the microphone and only twice went off subject telling stories that inevitable would have ended with something Mommy and Daddy don't want the ward to know. :) B2's topic was "I know Heavenly Father loves me" and consisted of blessings we have been given that show that Heavenly Father loves us -- temples, families, the earth, and Jesus's sacrifice, to name a few.
Last week we had two unfortunate milestones -- first, it seems that D also has night terrors (it's going to be a fun couple of years...), and second, it appears that B2 is now sleepwalking in addition to having night terrors. Why can't I have children who have normal sleep patterns? Last week B1 was gone on a trip. I was up finishing a book; at about 11:00 p.m., I heard B2 calling my name. He wasn't screaming like he does when he has night terrors, but he was whimpering a bit, so I got out of bed to check on him. I found him in the corner of his room, sitting on his rocking horse, whimpering my name. I led him back to bed, and he was out cold before his head hit the pillow. It was really weird. I can't image that it was anything other than sleep walking, because he was not awake when I found him. I don't think it's related to the night terrors, or at least he wasn't have a night terror at the time, because he wasn't screaming his ever-loving head off. It was very bizarre. It hasn't happened since, so let's hope it isn't a common occurrence.
On the bright side, I think B2 is coming out of the terrible threes. He's still having some problems with pooping in his pants, but mainly the tantrums seem to be going away and the sweet boy I barely remembered is coming back. The tantrums/disobedience are the worst at night and in the morning, but he seems to be doing a lot better during the day. Though, I suspect that's easy for me to say, since I only see him a few hours a day most of the time.
A few weeks ago, B1 and I went to Chilis for dinner with the boys. My boss gave us a gift card there for Christmas, so we figured it was a good time to use it. Well, it wasn't really, since we went on a Friday night at 6:15 and the placed was PACKED and it was freaking cold. I won't go into why it took us nearly an hour to be seated when they quoted me 10-15 minutes, but that's mainly because I have no idea why that happened. Anyway, we had an amazing server who was friendly, fast, and most likely gay. B1 had him running with how fast he was downing his lemonades, so finally the server brought B1 two glasses with the comment, "You're a heavy drinker." Oh, if only he knew... I started laughing and have been giving him crap ever since. That was pretty much the highlight of the evening, since my once-delicious food turned into stomach cramps and--um, use your imagination--when I discovered a huge nasty hair only millimeters from where I stopped eating. My stomach is churning just thinking about it. We'll probably go back to Chilis again, because our waiter was awesome and because we have another gift card, but I'm definitely not ordering that dish next time. And we're not going on a Friday night again.
Last Sunday, February 7th, was even grosser than my experience at Chilis, but also funnier. In the morning as we were getting ready for church, I was playing with D. One of his favorite games is when we lift him into the air like we are going to toss him, but without letting go, and then bringing him back down. He always get a huge grin on his face. We may have another aviator on our hands... Anyway, so I was playing with D by lifting him into the air, but I was sitting on the bed so D was directly above my head. I was giving D a big grin when suddenly...*BARF*.... D spits up and it lands directly in my mouth!!! Luckily, we had a burp cloth close and I quickly wiped out my mouth, but B1 started gagging a bit (he, of course, saw the whole thing). I guess I was lucky that B2never barfed in my mouth as a baby. In fact, most of the gross stuff seems to happen to other people (like Beez getting B2's diarrhea all over her pants and newly-replaced carpet). There goes my streak.
That same day, B2 gave his first talk in Primary! I was so proud of him. I managed not to be a total dork and cry at how my little baby is growing up, but I did boast about what a great job he did and how he talked loudly (but not too loudly) in the microphone and only twice went off subject telling stories that inevitable would have ended with something Mommy and Daddy don't want the ward to know. :) B2's topic was "I know Heavenly Father loves me" and consisted of blessings we have been given that show that Heavenly Father loves us -- temples, families, the earth, and Jesus's sacrifice, to name a few.
Last week we had two unfortunate milestones -- first, it seems that D also has night terrors (it's going to be a fun couple of years...), and second, it appears that B2 is now sleepwalking in addition to having night terrors. Why can't I have children who have normal sleep patterns? Last week B1 was gone on a trip. I was up finishing a book; at about 11:00 p.m., I heard B2 calling my name. He wasn't screaming like he does when he has night terrors, but he was whimpering a bit, so I got out of bed to check on him. I found him in the corner of his room, sitting on his rocking horse, whimpering my name. I led him back to bed, and he was out cold before his head hit the pillow. It was really weird. I can't image that it was anything other than sleep walking, because he was not awake when I found him. I don't think it's related to the night terrors, or at least he wasn't have a night terror at the time, because he wasn't screaming his ever-loving head off. It was very bizarre. It hasn't happened since, so let's hope it isn't a common occurrence.
On the bright side, I think B2 is coming out of the terrible threes. He's still having some problems with pooping in his pants, but mainly the tantrums seem to be going away and the sweet boy I barely remembered is coming back. The tantrums/disobedience are the worst at night and in the morning, but he seems to be doing a lot better during the day. Though, I suspect that's easy for me to say, since I only see him a few hours a day most of the time.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
California Trip
This last weekend we made a little family trip to California to see my parents and my brother and sister-in-law. It's one thing I love about being a pilot's wife--I get to go see my parents pretty much whenever I can break away from work. We flew in Friday morning. That day, the girls went and got a pedicure (I still had nail polish on from my last pedicure, which was before my sister's wedding...7 months ago). After that, K dyed and cut my hair. I went brown again, and she did a fantastic job as always.
On Saturday, we went to Griffiths Park. I think my parents took me when I was a baby, but I have no memory of the place. It was a blast! We started off with the world's fastest carousel--okay, maybe not, but I did get a bit sea-sick on it, not to mention the music was really loud. It was supposed to be a really old carousel; the music was powered by an actual pipe organ or something like that.
After we went on the carousel, we then took B2 on a pony ride. My boy is so fearless -- he LOVED the ponies! Grandpa bought him 2 tickets, so he got to ride the pony around the course 4 times. He kept yelling at the pony "Let's go pony!" to make him go faster.
After the pony rides, we went over to the miniature train that takes a little loop around the park. Grandpa bought B2 this little pinwheel, and B2 LOVED making it spin. He almost missed most of the train ride because he was watching those wheels move. As a side note, great job on the colors Dad -- Go Cougars!
Well, that pretty much sums up the trip. It was so great being in 70 degree weather in January, seeing my family, and having a break from the day-to-day grind. I guess it's time to start planning our next trip to California!!
On Saturday, we went to Griffiths Park. I think my parents took me when I was a baby, but I have no memory of the place. It was a blast! We started off with the world's fastest carousel--okay, maybe not, but I did get a bit sea-sick on it, not to mention the music was really loud. It was supposed to be a really old carousel; the music was powered by an actual pipe organ or something like that.
After we went on the carousel, we then took B2 on a pony ride. My boy is so fearless -- he LOVED the ponies! Grandpa bought him 2 tickets, so he got to ride the pony around the course 4 times. He kept yelling at the pony "Let's go pony!" to make him go faster.
After the pony rides, we went over to the miniature train that takes a little loop around the park. Grandpa bought B2 this little pinwheel, and B2 LOVED making it spin. He almost missed most of the train ride because he was watching those wheels move. As a side note, great job on the colors Dad -- Go Cougars!
Well, that pretty much sums up the trip. It was so great being in 70 degree weather in January, seeing my family, and having a break from the day-to-day grind. I guess it's time to start planning our next trip to California!!
Sledding at Soldier Hollow
So, I am way behind on updating this blog. I'll do my best to get a few posts up in the next couple of days.
B2 absolutely LOVED tubing!! We were pleasantly surprised. Since our company had the hill reserved before Soldier Hollow's normal hours, we were up there pretty early, which meant a.) B2 was cranky in the morning, b.) I was cranky in the morning, c.) it was FREAKING COLD, and d.) the lanes were super slick. Our first run of the day, we went down the hill so fast that we not only crashed through one barrier at the end of the run, but two! We even broke a few of the PVC pipes that were used to hold the barrier up. After our crash, the employees at the top had to remind every single rider not to crash into the barriers--yep, every single rider the entire time we were there. Oops... :) After it started warming up and more riders were going down, the lanes slowed down a bit, so we didn't have another collision...with a barrier, at least. But, even with our collision, we asked B2 if he wanted to go down the hill again, to which he adamantly exclaimed, "Yes, let's do that again!" That became the typical response--as soon as our run ended, B2 was begging us to go again. One great part about Soldier Hollow is that they have a rope that tows you up the mountain, so you don't have to lug your tubes up the hill over and over again. So, we had the energy to go down a bunch of times. We were tubing for two hours (with a brief break about halfway through for some hot chocolate, a ski mask for me, and snow gloves for B2), and we could have gone for probably another hour had we not gotten kicked off the slope.
In mid-January, my company took all the employees tubing at Soldier Hollow. We did this as a management team last January, and it was a blast. I was so excited to hear that we were going to go again, but this time with our families. We have never taken B2 tubing before, probably because I'm too much of a wuss when it comes to being cold and being in the snow (I don't like either situation). So, since this was our first time, B2 and I had to go out and get snow clothes.
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